Mysterious Heritage in the World


Number of places around the world, there are a number of monuments whose existence remains mysterious because scientists have not managed to fully disclose the background of historic objects. Only 12 are considered the most enigmatic monument in the world. It's all very well known in the world but no one knows the exact background of the building stood. Most of these monuments is not intact anymore, which leaves only the mysterious tales that is not confirmed. Call it the Homestead, Florida and Yonaguni, Japan shrouded in mystery until now.

No one knows exactly why Stonehenge was built, how the building was sinking deep in the sea, who ordered and made a giant carved granite that contains the instructions for rebuilding society on a remote hill in Georgia. This is all still wrapped in thick fog. Perhaps a time will be revealed, or maybe it will never fog lifted at all.

Here are 12 monuments / ruins of the most enigmatic monument in the history

1.Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse (Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse)

On a small hill on the arid northeastern Georgia stands a monument of the strangest and most mysterious of the world. But look at the architecture of the building, the monument was not invented in ancient times

Known as the 'Georgia Guidestones', this stone structure tingginya16 five feet, with a 20-ton weight. On a granite slab is written in eight languages ​​- among them the Egyptian hieroglyphics language, Hindi and Swahili - with instructions for the survivors to rebuild a new peeradaban on earth. Are the instructions in eight languages ​​were related to the doomsday predictions? It is still unclear. This command is also not clear to whom addressed. It is not clear yet, who built this strange monument.

2. Lake Michigan Stonehenge

Initially, a group of researchers using sonar to find shipwrecks on the bottom of Lake Michigan, the results are astounding. Instead they found an ancient Stonehenge structure 40 feet below the water surface. Some of the stones in a circle and one appears to show carvings of a mastodon. Presumably, these antiquities was built 10,000 years ago, possibly coinciding with the post-Ice Age presence of humans and mastodons in the area. . Michigan already has the Petroglyph sites and standing stones.

3. Ruins under the sea in Japan

On the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, there are the submerged ruins, thought to have been about 8,000 years old. That though some people believed it was carved by geographic phenomena, it's now confirmed to be man-made as the intricate stairways, carvings and right angles suggest. Although some believe that it is a creation of nature, but it now appears the voices that call it man-made. This is evident from the composition of complex steps, carvings there are believed to be manmade. The site was discovered in 1995 by a diver who strayed too far from the coast of Okinawa. He also happened to bring cameras to take pictures underwater.

4.Kejaiban below sea Alexandria, Egypt

The ruins are believed to be a city of Alexander the Great, in which Cleopatra palace is located. The sinking of the city was estimated to occur 1,500 years ago due to a devastating earthquake. Along with the setting of the palace, also submerged artifacts that adorn palaces and other buildings of Cleopatra's palace. The ruins are found at the bottom of the sea, was deliberately not raised to the mainland. The local government plans to make the location of the underwater magic as water attractions.

5.Misteri Baalbek in Lebanon

 The largest Roman temple ever built and is now living the ruins, in fact, not in Greece or Rome, but rather in Baalbek, Lebanon. The temple was destroyed by the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius, was lucky not all of the lost. There are still 6 of 54 columns, which still stands today. Six column is a witness of history and leave a trail waiting mistri revealed. Although the remains of the splendor of the temple was still visible, but indeed, this temple was abandoned by war. For decades, tourists rarely visit this place during the war. Fortunately too, the war is not to destroy this historic temple.

6. Three Ancient Megalithic Stone Circles In southern Turkey, just north of the border with Syria, there are three megalithic stone circle thousands of years old, older than the stone circle of Stonehenge. Strangely, the ancient stone circles were built by a group of hunters in those days. Previously, it was believed that early humans could not possibly create a building that, until they reach a certain level of progress.
When found, the stone circle was buried. No one knows what the reason for the why it was buried. But some believe that Göbekli Tepe and the surrounding area is the beginning of human history that is the location of the Garden of Eden as told in the Bible ..

7. Easter Island

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui or Isla de Pascua, is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, the most famous monumental sculptures created by the Rapanui people.The statues, called moai, were part of the island of ancestral worship by local people at that time. The statues were allegedly made between 1250 and 1500 AD.Moai heaviest weighing 86 tons. This illustrates just how great their achievements are able to create rapanui, also move the statues weighing up to tens of tons. Luckily, these ancient sculptures can still be seen in part diRaraku, but hundreds of other statue was moved to the neighboring islands.

8.Stonehenge, prehistoric monuments in Britain

Perhaps the ancient monuments which are still in fairly good condition is Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire, England. These ancient buildings have been built 2500 BC, but later revised and renovation continuously for 1400 years. Although the theories and speculations put forward, but no one knows what the original purpose of these prehistoric monuments and remains one of the greatest mysteries of the earth.

9.Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a relic of the nation's most well-preserved Inca. This royal city hidden in the Andes mountains of Peru, located in the high mountains with steep road but on the flat top. A location, which was the place where the Incas escape from the pursuit of the Spanish.
The city was hidden for centuries and isolated from the outside world until then an archaeologist, Hiram Bingham, discovered it in 1911. Based on the study, estimated the city of Machu Picchu in 1450 AD dibanun the Inca ruler Pachacuti hideout.

10.Great Zimbabwe Ruins

Few people know that Zimbabwe, Africa, has an ancient stone ruins of the oldest in the world. Its location in the countryside. Allegedly, the ruins of an ancient stone building that was once inhabited by 18 000 inhabitants. So great was the traces of the ruins, then called the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. Based on the research, the building was built in the 11th century, unique building was built without using cement. No one knows for sure why the site was eventually abandoned.

11. Peru's Chavin de Huantar Ruins

Although not as famous as Machu Picchu, the ruins of Chavin de Huantardi Peru is also a World Heritage Site that contains interesting remnants of artifacts built by Chavin, pre-Inca culture, around 900 BC This site serves as a gathering place for people in the area to gather and worship. It is unclear why the Chavin culture disappeared, although some believe that the ruins of Chavin de Huantar offer clues about why some civilizations vanish. Most theories called Chavin extinction due to environmental conditions including earthquakes, while others are alleged seizure of power.

12. Coral Castle, Monument Love Lost, in Florida

How to explain a man plays the 5 feet weighing 100 pounds, built an elaborate garden with pieces of rocks, each weighing a ton? Coral Castle, in Homestead, Florida, is an inexplicable miracle of common sense. What's more, the man who built the castle that supposedly only the 4th grade level education.

Is Ed Leedskalnin, a Latvian immigrant, who built the monument called the monument of love lost. Strange! The story, like the construction of this monument is blue confuse romance. Ed Leedskaini started building the castle in 1923, after being jilted by her fiance in Latvia just days before their wedding. And he devoted his life to finish it (the monument). Unfortunately, he died before his love menumen completed. However, after he died, 1951, construction continued its construction of the building.

Is not this romantic tale that makes the experts are confused, but they were surprised and amazed that Leedskalnin, build your own castle katang it. More confused, because he really only educated up to grade four, but strangely it is able to construct an elaborate fort, something which in fact can only be done by building experts. This is really incomprehensible. Even an engineer call, even Albert Einstein was not necessarily able to understand this miracle.

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