ConstructionWeek has worked with research company Ventures Middle East, to bring you a list of the top 12 construction contractors operating in the kingdom today. The ranking is based on the value of current contracts for building work, but we also include overall figures for current work under contract across all sectors. The list is dominated by local Saudi family-run firms. The big two, Saudi Oger and Saudi Binladin Group have ruled the market for decades and consistently secure the biggest projects through a combination of resources – both personnel and material – and extent of capital backing. Al Arrab Trading & Contracting scores well in building contracts, but is not as strong as the big two in other sectors.
While the global economic crisis has brought irrepressible pressure on the region’s construction sector, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has shown itself to be less affected than most economies in the GCC. Unsurprisingly, contractors in the kingdom, while cautious, have not seen work dry up, buoyed by the government’s latest budget, which emphasised spending on new projects.
1. Saudi Bin Ladin Group
2. Al Arrab Trading & Contracting
3. Saudi Oger
4. Al Redwan Contracting
5. Al Latifia Trading & Contracting
6. Saudi Constructioneers
7. Al Mabani General Contractors
8. Huta-Hegerfeld & Huta-Marine
9. Al Rashid Trading & Contracting
10. Freyssinet Saudi Arabia
11. El Seif Engineering & Contacting
12. Al Harbi Trading & Contracting