Pakistan Affairs



                              The Palestinian president announced that he will seek independent philistine state through the Security Council at the United Nations. Philistine authority recent announcement strongly opposed by Israel and its very close ally the United States. US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister urged Philistine authority to instead of going to UNO and seeking status for independent state, start dialogue with Israelis and solve crises through negotiations. True reality is that despite long negotiations and several road peace maps presented by US authorities Philistine people get nothing except deaths destructions and long siege of Gaza. Despite serious reservations of world community and US itself Israelis illegal constructions are still going on. Things are going bad to worse after Israeli continues air strikes at Gaza and other places. After miserable role of US and Israel and world community Philistine authority has decided to go to UNO and get status of independent status through UNO Security Council. At the time when East Timor and northern Sudan get status of dependent state through UNO resolutions why Philistine people can’t do like this.

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