Pakistan Affairs


Rising number of strikes in Pakistan

Despite the country’s bad economic conditions and increasing foreign debts, the culture of strikes and unusual holidays is growing very fast these days in Pakistan. Unfortunately, the last call for a strike came from the ruling party itself. Due to the PPP’s own strike, business activities halted completely in the country’s largest city and economic hub, Karachi. These days, the country is passing through a critical stage of its history. Due to unemployment, rising prices of basic commodities, bad economic and security conditions, people find it hard to provide even the basic commodities to their families.

According to the State Bank’s recent report, three million more people have crossed the line of poverty last year. Unfortunately, the PPP government has failed to provide any example to their own people. The recent battle between two political parties, the MQM and the PPP, and the worst corruption scandals of the government’s key personalities destroyed the government’s image. The government’s financial team knows that public holidays and strikes are also destroying the country’s economy but they are still employing this tool for their selfish interests.


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