Pakistan Affairs


Syrian conflict another Balkan tragedy

 In his recent speech Turkey Prime Minster Recep Ardogan rightly said that due to silence of world community Balkan like tragedy is developing in Syria and whole region might be affected from worse situation of Syria. In Balkan conflict between Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia thousands of people lost their lives due to slow response of UNO and world community. Now due to slow response of UNO and world community things are going bad to worse in Syria  and neighboring countries are also paying a high price.
Tension is raising between Turkey and Syria after killing of six Turkish nationals  when mortar hits their house allegedly fire from Syria. Turkey already send fighter Jets and heavy weapons to its border with Syria and exchange of small fire is occurred several times. Turkey parliament has already passed resolution garneted permission to its forces to retaliate if receive aggression  from other side. Turkey is already hosting eighty thousand Syrian refugees on humanitarian basis most of them reached there after several days of mountainous journey without food and water. Lebanon is also paying high price for Syrian unrest several people lost their lives when supporter and opponents of Bahar Al Asad clashed in different areas.
Jordon is also hosting thousands of Syrian refugees on humanitarian basis but things are going bad to worse due to lack of facilities.  True reality is that due to division in UNO security council worse human crises is happening in Syria.   Brutal killing in Houla by regime forces long siege and humanitarian crises in Homs and Hama and other cities has become big question for conscience of modern world.   

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