Pakistan Affairs


Illegal weapon trade


Several billion dollar illegal weapon trade has become big  threat for peace and security of modern world. Use of illegal weapons is very common these days not only in third world poor countries but also in  modern countries like US, France and Germany. Several bloody conflicts from Asia to Africa are getting all types of weapons through illegal arms trade. According to new estimates seventy four thousand women and children lost their lives every year because of Illegal weapons trade. Despite killing of large number of people every year world community is sitting silent and doing nothing to minimize illegal arms  trade because illegal arms trade is providing enough support to ailing economy of several countries including USA.

 According to media news  UN member states  have failed   to agree on common draft  to regulating the multibillion dollar arms trade. However they agreed to hold more talks on the matter in future but things are going bad to worse after lack of interest of big powers. Many member nations accused the United States of blocking agreement after month long negotiations. Now Washington is asking more time to review its strategy. Recent failed negotiations  also show that  big powers have established their monopoly in UNO and UNO can do nothing without approval of big powers  which is very unfortunate. Some big powers  also not yet signed lands mines banning treaty because of personal benefits. Thousands of people lost their lives every year in war affected countries  because of land mines. Use of cluster bombs and ban weapons against civilian population is very comer these days and due to lack of interest of big powers civilian casualties  increased dramatically in war affected countries.

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