Pakistan Affairs


10 tips to make your PC running faster

1. Clean up your 'Recycle Bin'. If you have stored all the file(s) or folder in recyle bin you had deleted/removed , then this time you should 'Empty the recycle bin'

2. There's something to do with your Desktop. If there's possible never put any shorcuts on your computer desktop nor any applications that you have installed, instead you can run them using 'start menu'

3. Make sure Your C:\ drive or wherever the OS partition you have installed is defragmented to give a little bit more space, this makes your memory running faster.

4. Always update your antivirus regulary because there's could be a worms and malwares which made your computer runs slower and corrupt data of your available memory.

5. Clear your browser from history and cookies regularly whenever you have done internet browsing.

6. Use Disk Cleanup and Defragmenter regulary to make your file(s) nor folder in order to well-organized and provides plenty of space disk.

7. Disable any useless on startup programs to make speed up the boot time.

8. Set up your Performance tab in System Properties and select “Adjust for best performance”

9. Make sure to clear %temp% and %tmp% folders of your PC every day. Because they may contain temporary files but uselsess.

10. Delete all the contents of your ‘Recent’ folder regulary. This folder contains shortcut to your recently used documents and programs. Because the shortcuts are just useless.
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